How to Clean Your House – Some Basic Tips

basic cleaning tipsA person's house is their pride and joy. It's where they can relax after a long day of work, or simply just be themselves and not worry about what anyone else thinks. Because of the amount of time people spend in their homes, it becomes essential to keep it clean and organized so that they don't feel overwhelmed when they walk through the door. It doesn't matter if you live in a house, an apartment, or even with your parents. This article is for anyone who wants to learn how to clean their abode. Cleaning is one of those things that can be extremely difficult unless you know what you're doing and have the proper tools available. But since most people don't have the time or money to hire a professional cleaner regularly, they have to learn how to do it themselves. This article will go over some of the basics of cleaning so that you can get started on making your house a clean and comfortable place to be.


Gather all the Supplies

The first step in cleaning is to gather all of the supplies that you're going to need. There are many different types of tools for doing this. Still, the most important ones are a vacuum cleaner, mop or broom, dustpan, bottle of cleaning fluid (preferably chlorine), bucket or trash can, sponges and cloths, old toothbrush(es) for scrubbing small areas with grime, rubber gloves for protecting your hands, and something to help you organize all these supplies.


Start at the Top and Work Your Way Down

It's always a good idea to start at the top and work your way down since that's where most of the dust and dirt accumulates. This way, you do not have to go over the same areas multiple times. If you have a pet, make sure to vacuum or sweep their hair up off the floor before you start mopping, as this will help prevent it from sticking to the wet surface.


Clean Surfaces and Crevices with a Sponge

When cleaning surfaces, it's essential to use a sponge so that you can get into all the nooks and crannies. Be sure to wring out the sponge well so that it's not dripping wet, as this will create more messes to clean up. For tougher dirt and grime, you can use a little bit of the cleaning fluid on the sponge, but be careful not to use too much, or it could damage the surface.


Scrub bathroom and Kitchen Areas

The bathroom and kitchen are the most used areas in a home, so they tend to get dirtied up pretty quickly. Ensure that you give these two rooms the most attention during your cleaning session. If there are any stubborn stains, use an old toothbrush for scrubbing them out. You can also make little cleaning solutions for specific areas, such as baking soda and vinegar for the bathroom and lemon juice and salt for the kitchen.


Clean Windows and Mirrors

Windows and mirrors can be a real pain to clean, but they're essential to have in good condition so that you can see what's going on outside and how you look when you leave the house. To make the process a little bit easier, use a newspaper to clean the windows. The ink from the paper will help break down any dirt and smudges, and you won't have to worry about using any chemicals that could potentially damage the glass.


Clean and Polish Furniture with Lemon Oil

Furniture is an important part of any home. It's where we sit and rest our tired bodies, eat our meals, and display any special items that we want to show off. That's why it's so important to keep all your furniture spotless and dust-free. To do this, you will need to mix lemon oil with water in a spray bottle and then lightly mist your furniture. Allow it to absorb into the wood for a few minutes, and then wipe it down with a cloth. This should leave the wood looking shiny and new, and any dust clinging onto it before it will be gone!


Clean Carpeted Areas with a Mop

Don't forget that you'll need to clean the carpets as well! To do this, grab your mop and bucket or trash can. Fill them up with water and add some chlorine solutions if desired. Next, wring out your mop thoroughly so that it's not dripping wet and use short motions to mop the carpets. Make sure to get into all the corners and edges, and then go over them again with a dry cloth to make sure they're completely dry.


How much time you want to spend cleaning is up to you. Some people prefer a quick 15-minute blitz through their house once a week, while others would rather spend the entire day every weekend making sure that everything is spotless. Either one can be effective as long as you're consistent with it.

By following these basic instructions, you will clean your house and make it a comfortable place to be. Stay consistent and motivated, and soon you'll have the home that you've always wanted.


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